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The European Commission has launched the Science4Refugees initiative to help refugee scientists and researchers find suitable jobs that both improve their own situation and put their skills and experience to good use in Europe's research system.

EMBL welcomes applications from talented refugees and asylum seekers who have a scientific background and who would like to apply for our advertised positions, including internships, part-time and full-time jobs.

Science4Refugees is accessible to refugees and institutions through the EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion portal, a pan-European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to find jobs and pursue their research careers in Europe.

Application procedure for refugees and asylum seekers with a scientific background

Please sign up and enter your CV information in the EURAXESS portal. Select 'Science4Refugees' in the 'Personal Preferences' section of your CV in order to declare your interest in an internship or a job under the Science4Refugees initiative.

Alternatively, you are invited to apply directly through EMBL's jobs portal – please clearly indicate that you are applying under the Science4Refugees initiative.

Recruitment at EMBL – and through EURAXESS and Science4Refugees – is open, transparent and merit-based, and you will compete for employment on the same basis as non-refugee applicants.

More information is available on the Science4Refugees section on the European Commission website.