Modelling of Multidomain Proteins Against Multiple Data Sets
Version 8.1 © ATSAS team 2003-2009
Written by M.V. Petoukhov1 & D.I. Svergun1
1European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation
Notkestr. 85, Geb. 25a
22607 Hamburg
BUNCH performs modeling of multidomain proteins against SAXS data using a combined
rigid body and ab initio modeling approach. The program allows determination of
three-dimensional domain structure of proteins based on multiple scattering data
sets from deletion mutants when the structure(s) of individual domains are available.
If you use BUNCH in your work, please cite:
Petoukhov, M.V. and Svergun, D.I. (2005) Global rigid body modelling of macromolecular
complexes against small-angle scattering data. Biophys. J., 89, 1237-1250.
© 2005 Biophysical Journal