EMBL Hamburg Biological
Small Angle Scattering


Manipulations with experimental 1D small-angle scattering data

© ATSAS team 2003-2022

Program PRIMUS perfoms the manipulations with experimental small-angle scattering data files such as: averaging, subtraction, merging and curve fitting and evaluates the integral parameters from Guinier and Porod plots such as radius of gyration (for globular, flat and rod-type particles), Porod's volume, zero intensity and molecular weight.

If you use PRIMUS in your work, please cite:
Manalastas-Cantos, K., Konarev, P.V., Hajizadeh, N.R., Kikhney, A.G., Petoukhov, M.V., Molodenskiy, D.S., Panjkovich, A., Mertens, H.D.T., Gruzinov, A., Borges, C., Jeffries, C.M., Svergun, D.I., Franke, D. (2021)
ATSAS 3.0: expanded functionality and new tools for small-angle scattering data analysis J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 343-355 DOI

  Last modified: February 17, 2023

© BioSAXS group 2023