Interactive and automatic processing of SEC-SAXS data
© ATSAS team 2017-2018
Written by A. Panjkovich
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation
Notkestr. 85, Geb. 25a
22607 Hamburg
CHROMIXS rapidly loads and displays small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) frames obtained during a SEC-SAXS (size exclusion chromatography coupled to SAXS) experiment.
It allows interactive or automatic location of buffer and sample region, data reduction and plotting of Rg or MW values.
It includes export functions for raw data and figures.
If you use CHROMIXS in your work, please cite:
Panjkovich A. and Svergun D.I. (2017) CHROMIXS: automatic and interactive analysis of chromatography-coupled small angle X-ray scattering data.
Bioinformatics, btx846