Data reduction and processing
Al Kikhney
EMBL Hamburg, Germany
Elastic scattering of randomly oriented particles in solution results in an isotropic scattering pattern which is usually recorded on a 2D detector. To monitor possible radiation damages two or more exposures of the same sample are recorded. After scaling against the transmitted beam intensity and exposure time the normalized 2D scattering pattern is transformed into a 1D array of scattering intensities I(s) vs. modulus of the scattering vector s. The scattering pattern of the macromolecular solute is obtained by subtracting the scattering of the buffer that is measured separately in addition to the macromolecule solution. The concentration of the macromolecular solute must be accurately determined to achieve correct normalization of the subtracted pattern. Several overall parameters (invariants) can be evaluated directly from the SAXS patterns of sufficient quality: molecular mass, radius of gyration (Rg) and hydrated volume. The distance distribution function p(r) provides information about the main features of the shape and size of the solute particles, including the maximum intraparticle distance Dmax.
Date/time: Tuesday, 28 October 2014, 9:00