EMBL Hamburg Biological
Small Angle Scattering

PRIMUS manual

primus qw

Written by P.V. Konarev, V.V. Volkov, A.V. Sokolova and D.I. Svergun.
Post all your questions about PRIMUS to the ATSAS Forum.

© ATSAS Team, 2003-2009

Table of Contents



Program PRIMUS perfoms the manipulations with experimental small-angle scattering data files such as: averaging, subtraction, merging, extrapolation to zero concentration and curve fitting and evaluates the integral parameters from Guinier and Porod plots such as radius of gyration (for globular, flat and rod-type particles), Porod's volume, zero intensity and molecular weight. PRIMUS is compiled using Intel Fortran v.11.0 with QuickWin graphics library and runs under MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista or under Windows emulators (like WINE) installed on Linux/MAC.

The program PRIMUS allows one to make interactive manipulations with data, which is convinient for users and that saves a lot of time.

If you use results from PRIMUS in your own publication, please cite:

P.V.Konarev, V.V.Volkov, A.V.Sokolova, M.H.J.Koch and D. I. Svergun (2003). PRIMUS - a Windows-PC based system for small-angle scattering data analysis. J Appl Cryst. 36, 1277-1282.

PRIMUS User Interface

PRIMUS screenshot


Menu optionsDescription
File File menu options allow one to select graphic window (Select ALL) or part of graphic window (Select Graphics) or text (Select Text) and copy it to the buffer through "Copy" submenu. One can save graph picture to *.BMP format file using "Save screen" submenu.
Tools Tools menu option opens the dialog manipulation box (Tools window) for further selecting and processing of the experimental data files.
AutoRg Calls AUTORG program that automatically estimates the radius of gyration.
AverAsc "AverAsc" menu calls "AverAsc" program that averages the frames for the data in OTOKO format and convert them into ASCII format (obsolete feature).
Gnom Calls GNOM program that estimates characteristic functions.
Peak Calls PEAK program that calculates structural parameters from the peaks.
Axis Calls AXIS program that creates angular axis files.
Mar2D Calls "Mar2D" program that averages raw data from 2D MAR Image plate into 1D data in ASCII format (obsolete feature).
Detector Calls "Detector" program that creates detector response for 1D gas detector in OTOKO format (obsolete feature).
Oligomer Calls OLIGOMER program that extimates volume fractions of mixtures.
Mixture Calls MIXTURE program that characterizes multicomponent systems.
SvdPlot Calls SVDPLOT program that makes singular value decomposition analysis.
Bodies Calls BODIES program that fits the data by simple geometrical bodies.
Save data "Save_data" menu (see Save a subset of data).
Help "Help" menu is for getting interactive help information. It contains two submenus: 'About' (that shows the current version of the program) and 'Instructions' (that calls the manual for the program)

Tools Window

screenshot of tools-window

The dialog box contains the following buttons:

Active Check buttons define the state of the selected file (active means it will be drawn and proce non-active - it will no be taken into account and processed)
# Number Buttons ("# File Number", i.e. #1 etc.) allow one to see the header/footer lines of the selected file in the command prompt window.
Active Toggle Button makes inverse active state ("Active" check buttons) for loaded data
Range Button for specifying the mask parameters in order to select the file groups
Select Buttons for selecting files individually.
Plot Range Button for plotting the data (active-checked) in the range specified in the "Plot Ranging from .. to" edit boxes. If check button "Full Range" is checked, the data will be replotted in the full data range
Sync Check button permits to synchronize nBeg/nEnd points for all active loaded data.
Full range Check button permits to plot data in the full data range (after pressing "Plot Range" button)
File name Edit boxes with the names of the selected files
Units Edit boxes with the values for the scale of X-axis.
nBeg/nEnd Edit boxes with the numbers of the first and last points in data files for processing, respectively.
Range for plotting from/to Edit boxes with the numbers of the first and last points in data files for processing (after pressing "Plot Range" button all loaded active data will be replotted in the specified range)
Conc Edit boxes with the values of corrensponding concentrations of the samples.
Multiplier Edit boxes with the values of the multiplier coefficients
Data Manipulation There are buttons for manipulations with data "AVERAGE", "SUBTRACT", "SUBCST", "SAMBUF", "ZERCONC", "MERGE", "ADJUST" , "SCALE", "DIVIDE" , "DIVCST", "PLOT", "REGRID", "CLEAR", "FINISH", "SASPLOT", "GNOMPLOT", as well as four buttons for evaluation of integral parameters "GUINIER", "FLAT", "ROD", "POROD".


Loading data

To load data one has to select TOOLS menu option, Tools Window for manipulation with data files will appear. One can load up to 13 data files using "SELECT" button. The data files must be in ASCII format, the first column is s-vector axis, the second column is intensity signal. The number of experimental points will be read automatically and written in "nEnd" edit dialog boxes.

If one wants to plot the curve with all experimental points, just set the value for nEnd equal to "0" or to large values "9999" and the program will automatically set "nEnd" value to the actual number of experimental points.

For each data file it is possible to set the scale for the X-axis (S-axis) where scale factor ("Units" edit box) can be equal to:

  1. corresponds to the identity transformation (X(i)=X(i), for i=1,NsExp)
  2. corresponds to a scaling from [Nanometer]-1 to [Angstrom]-1: (transformation X(i) = X(i)/10, for i=1,NsExp)
  3. corresponds to a scaling from "S"-vector to "Q"-vector: (transformation X(i) = 2*π*X(i), for i=1,NsExp)
  4. corresponds to a scaling from "S"-vector in [Nanometer]-1 to "Q"-vector in [Angstroem]-1: ( transformation X(i) = 2*π*X(i)/10, for i=1,NsExp)

It is also possible to set the number of first (nBeg) and last (nEnd) points from the data file (by default it is equal to 1 and 9999 respectively), concentration of the sample (default value 1.0) and multiplier coefficient (default value 1.0).

Whether a loaded file is used in the current computation is indicated by a checkbox before the filename; it is used if checked, and ignored otherwise.

For convenient and fast file selection there is "Range" button in the dialog box for manipulations where one can choose the mask parameters for file selection. In this case the new dialog box appears where one has to specify the values for "First file" ( for example "xxxx_001" ) and for "Last file" ( for example "xxx_007"), the Row number (from which the selection will start) and the Number Increment (the increment in the run numbers to be selected) in the dialog box for manipulations, the first and the last points ("nBeg" and "nEnd" respectively) to be drawn as well as the scale for X-axis ("Iunits" = 1,2,3 or 4). If the edit box for "Last file" is empty then the program will automativcally look for all files beginning from "xxx_NNN"-"First File" up to "xxx_999" and will choose only existing files. It works also for the files with two digits at the end (XXXNN.dat). If the value for "First File" consists of three letters like "i03" without extention then the program will find all files beginning with "i03000.dat" up to "i99000.dat".

Starting from Atsas 2.6 release, the "Range" button works also for the files with four and five digits at the end of file names (e.g. xxx_00001 or xxx_00001.dat). It is also possible to use wild file name masks for the 'First File' box, e.g. one can specify there 'xxx*.dat' value and then all files starting with 'xxx' and having extension 'dat' will be automatically loaded.

Data manipulation

AVERAGE This button makes an averaging of selected data files with weights from corresponding multiplier coefficients. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. By default its name is "Avrag00.dat" or "AvragXX.dat" if "Avrag*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file. CAUTION: all data files must have equal number of experimental points and equal range X-axes otherwise warning message box will appear.
SUBTRACT This button perfoms the subtraction of the second active loaded data file in the list of dialog box from the first active loaded data file with corresponding multiplier coefficients. Subtracts buffer scattering from the sample scattering as Diff = (Isam - Coef*Ibuf)/Conc . The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. If the subtracted data contain too many (more than the half) negative values the program gives the warning message, the user has to check whether the subtraction was made correctly. By default its name is "Subtr00.dat" or "SubtrXX.dat" if "Subtr*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file. CAUTION: all data files must have equal number of experimental points and equal range X-axes otherwise warning message box will apppear.
SUBCST This button perfoms the subtraction of the constant from the first active loaded data file with corresponding multiplier coefficients. The constant must be defined in the concentration edit dialog box of the appropriate active file. Subtracts buffer scattering from the sample scattering as Diff = Isdata - Coef . The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. If the subtracted data contain too many (more than the half) negative values the program gives the warning message, the user has to check whether the subtraction was made correctly. By default its name is "Subcst00.dat" or "SubcstXX.dat" if "Subcst*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file.
MERGE This button allows one to do a merging of data files measured at different s-axis ranges. The coefficients which provide the best coincidence of merging curves will be automatically calculated and shown in edit dialog boxes for each data file. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. The number of points in the output file can be reduced by 2,3,4 etc. times. To do this before pressing "Merge" button it is necessary to set the value of the "scale" edit dialog box in the output (!) file to be equal to the desiable reduction number. By default its name is "Merge00.dat" or "MergeXX.dat" if "Merge*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file.
ADJUST This button is performed for making the curve fitting of the second selected data file in the list of dialog box to the first selected data file. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. I(Adjusted) = C * I(Second Curve) + A . By default its name is "Adjust00.dat" or "AdjustX.dat" if "Adjust*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file.
SCALE This button allows one to scale data files measured at different s-axis ranges. The coefficients which provide the best coincidence of merging curves will be automatically calculated and shown in edit dialog boxes for each data file.
DIVIDE This button makes the division of the first active data file in the list into the second active data file and plots the resulting curve alone in the absolute scale. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. By default its name is "Divide00.dat" or "DivideXX.dat" if "Divide*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file. CAUTION: two data files must have equal number of experimental points and equal range X-axes otherwise warning message box will apppear.
DIVCST This button makes the division of the first active data file in the list on the constant. The constant value must be defined in the concentration edit box dialog. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. By default its name is "Divcst00.dat" or "DivcstXX.dat" if "Divcst*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file.
REGRID Button "Regrid" makes regriding for the second active data file on the S-axis of the first active data file. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box, it has the same name as the second data file with added "rgd" at the end (e.g. for the file 'mydata_111.dat' the output file from "Regrid" button will be called 'mydata_111rgd.dat'). If there are two data sets with different S-axes, one can use 'Regrid' button to put both data sets on the same S-axis.
CLEAR This button clear all previously selected files from the memory and allows one to make a new attempt for SAS data analysis.
FINISH This button closes the dialog box.
PLOT This button allows one to show in a graph window a plot of selected data files. It is convenient to use "counters" buttons for quick changing of the "nBeg" and "nEnd" values (first and last points of the experimental file to be processed) as well as "IUnits" values (scale of X-axis for particular data file). The replotting will be done automatically. The "counter" buttons can be "synchronized" using "Sync" check button. In this case the changing of the one parameter value will be applied for all active data files simultanously. The replotting can be done for four modes: "PLOT" - this will replot the simple graph, "GUINIER" - it replots Guinier graph for globular particles, "FLAT", "ROD" - the same as "GUINIER" plot, but for flat and rod-type particles, respectively, "POROD" - it redraws Porod asymptotics plot. The current mode is written in the right upper corner of the graph window with the green color. To change the mode one has to click on the appropriate button of the dialog manipulation box.
SASPLOT For better visualisation it is useful to call "sasplot" program from the "SASPLOT" button. It has such advanced option for viewing active loaded data files as zooming as well as showing the graphe in logarithmic or absolute scale, Y(s)*s^2 and Y(s)*s^4 scale for Y-axis. For zooming it is necessary to press right button of the mouse, choose the desiable part of the graph and then skip the mouse button.
GNOMPLOT This button is designed for quick view of GNOM output for the first selected active data. Gnomplot opens two graphics windows, in the left window it shows experimental data and the fit curves from GNOM, in the right window it displays p(r) function. CAUTION: One needs to run GNOM program before calling 'Gnomplot', GNOM output file should have the same name as experimental data file and the file extension should be '.out'.

Determine overall structural parameters and invariants

GUINIER This button allows one to make the evaluation of the radius of gyration and zero intensity of the experimental data curve for GLOBULAR particle. This will be done for the first active file in the list of the 13 experimnetal data files. For proper evaluation it is necessary to select the approptiate range of the s-axis (to set values for N1 and N2 data points that will be taken), so that the product (smax*R) doesn't exceed 1.5.
FLAT This button allows one to make the evaluation of the radius of gyration and zero intensity of the experimental data curve for FLAT particle. This will be done for the first active file in the list of the 13 experimnetal data files. For proper evaluation it is necessary to select the approptiate range of the s-axis (to set values for N1 and N2 data points that will be taken ), so that the product (smax*R) doesn't exceed 1.5.
ROD This button allows one to make the evaluation of the radius of gyration and zero intensity of the experimental data curve for ROD-TYPE particle. This will be done for the first active file in the list of the 13 experimnetal data files. For proper evaluation it is necessary to select the approptiate range of the s-axis (to set values for N1 and N2 data points that will be taken), so that the product (smax*R) doesn't exceed 1.5.
POROD This button allows one to make the evaluation of the radius of gyration, zero intensity of the experimental data curve and porod volume for GLOBULAR particle. This will be done for the first active file in the list of the 13 experimnetal data files. For proper evaluation it is necessary to select the approptiate range of the s-axis (to set values for N1 and N2 data points that will be taken ), so that the product (smax*R) doesn't exceed 1.5. (it is better to use the values N1 and N2 from "Guinier" analysis). The plot of (Isdata-const)*s^4 vs. s will be shown where the "const" is calculated from Porod assymptotics.

Extrapolation to zero concentration

ZERCONC This button makes linear extrapolation to zero concentration for a number of selected data files with different non-zero sample concentration assuming extrapolation of the corrected "tales" of the experimental curves to zero concentration. CAUTION: the files to be extrapolated should be the data with subtracted buffer signal, the non-subtracted data files are not fitted for this procedure. The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. By default its name is "ZerCon00.dat" or "ZerConXX.dat" if "ZerCon*.dat" files already exist in the working directory. The user can give its own name for the output file. CAUTION: all data files must have equal number of experimental points and equal range X-axes otherwise warning message box will apppear.
SAMBUF This button makes extrapolation to zero concentration for a number of selected data files with different non-zero sample concentration solving the system of linear equations for signals from the buffer and the sample. CAUTION: the files to be extrapolated must contain signal from buffer (solvent), the subtracted data files are not fitted for this procedure. To do this the system of linear equations has to be solved: (vK, 1-vK)*(X1(Sample),X2(Buffer)) = (Int(K)), K=1, Ncurves, where IexpK is the curve at K-th concenration and vK = cK *0.73 /1000 is the volume fraction of protein (cK is expressed in mg/ml, 0.73 is the partial specific volume The output file is shown in the bottom of the dialog box. By default its name is "Sample.dat" which contains the estimated scattering from the sample. The scattering pattern from the buffer is stored in the "Buffer.dat" file. CAUTION: all data files must have equal number of experimental points and equal range X-axes otherwise warning message box will apppear.

Save a subset of data

The current region of the loaded (and active) data can be saved using "Save_data" menu option. The names of the output files will be the following: prsave1.dat, prsave2.dat etc. They will correspond to the sequence of the loaded (active) files and will contain three columns (s-axis, intensities, errors (if any) ).

Calling to external modules


AUTORG works with the experimental data files in standard ASCII format. First, the program selects the data range suitable for the Guinier approximation. For this, the initial portion of the data is analysed and any range showing unreasonable upwards or downwards trends (e.g. caused by the beam stop or strong background near the primary beam) is discarded. Then the data range where the scattering intensity decays by an order of magnitude is taken. A cubic parabola is drawn in this range using a log scale of intensity to analyse the curvature and possible inflection points suggesting non-monodisperse behaviour, and the range is refined when necessary. Then a search of all possible intervals for Guinier plots starts in the selected range: for each interval (longer than a given minimum interval length in points, usually, between 5 and 15) a weighted linear fit is calculated by least squares and Rg is computed. For each interval (smin, smax), the conditions sminRg > 1 and smaxRg < 1.3 are checked and the absence of systematic variations is verified, in which case the interval is considered consistent. If no consistent intervals are found, the program tries to find intervals with weakened sRg conditions, but simultaneously reduces the estimate of the data quality. Each consistent interval is rated according to its length (number of points fitted) and discrepancy (root-mean-square deviation of the fit), and the interval with the best rating is selected. The accuracy of Rg is estimated by taking into account not only the error propagation in the selected fit as usual but also by accounting for the deviation of Rg values calculated from other consistent intervals, accounting to some extent for systematic errors in the Rg determination. An estimate of the overall data quality is then expressed by taking into account several criteria:

  1. how many consistent intervals were found;
  2. whether the sRg conditions were weakened or not;
  3. how many starting points were discarded;
  4. whether there are indication of effects like aggregation;
  5. how accurate is the value of Rg.

This estimate is then made available to other programs in the pipeline, in particular to AUTOSUB for selecting the optimum subtraction of the background. AUTORG tries to translate the perceptual criteria used during interactive Rg analysis by Guinier approximation into an algorithm to compute Rg and to estimate the quality of the fit. The program has several tunable parameters, such the intensity decay in the fitting range, the minimum interval length in points, the worst acceptable sminRg and smaxRg limits, and the length and discrepancy weights used for the interval rating. These parameters are currently tuned to provide the most stable results, but in future releases can be adjusted by the user. The console version of AUTORG using default parameters was tested on numerous data sets and the results were compared with those of manual Rg determination with PRIMUS; in the vast majority of cases the automated system yielded the same results as those obtained interactively by an experienced user. Currently the automated mode covers cases of monodisperse or moderately polydisperse systems with sufficiently high contrast, but further work is planned to extend its range of applicability. For more detailed description, see AUTORG manual.


Program GNOM calculates the distance distribution function p(r), The parameters that can be changed by user are in the dialog box which pop up when clicking on GNOM menu.These are the first and the second input files, by default the fisrt file is assigned the name of the output file or the first active file name in the Tools dialog box. The second file by default is empty. The output file name by default is gnom.out. The values Nbeg and Nend define the first and the last points in the input files that will be taken into account, (CAUTION: by default they are the same as in Tools dialog box for output or first actice file and they differ from Nskip1 and Nskip2 values that are usually used by GNOM program alone). Rmin and Rmax values define the bounds for the possible particle sizes in the sample. By defualt they are equal to zero. There is an option to fix zero values of p(r) function at this points. One can choose also the options to show the plot with ALPHA parameter search as well as to show the calculated errors in distribution function. One can reset all parameters to default values using "Reset" button. "Run" button starts the "GNOM" program. For more detailed description, see GNOM manual.


Given a matrix A with logical dimensions "m" rows by "n" columns and physical dimensions "MD" by "ND", this routine computes its singular value decomposition (SVD) A = U * S * V (T), where columns of the orthogonal matrix U are the eigenvectors of the matrix A * A(T) , as well as columns of V are the eigenvectors of the matrix A(T) * A, and diagonal matrix S contains ordered singular values of A, that are the nonnegative square roots of eigenvalues of either A(T) * A or A * A(T) .

The method used is a slightly modified procedure by G.H.Golub and C.Reinsh decribed in [1-2]. The procedure consists of two stages. In the first stage A is transformed to an upper bidiagonal matrix B by a sequence of Householder transformations. The second stage is the application of a specially adapted QR algorithm to compute the singular value decomposition of B.


  1. Golub G.H., Reinsh C. "Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solution" (1970) Numer. Math., Vol.14, P.403-420.
  2. Lawson CH.L., Hanson R.J., "Solving Least Squares Problems" (1974), chapter 18.


OLIGOMER fits the experimental scattering curve I(s) from multicompoment mixture of proteins via search the contributions wi of each component Ii(s) to resulting scattering: The experimental data file must be in ASCII format. The basic scattering functions (form-factors) should be either precomputed or measured and then stored in separate file. The latter should contain (K+1) columns. First column is a set of values of momentum transfer (s) and columns from second to last one are the scattering intensity of components. After starting OLIGOMER you will need to specify: Form-factor file (Scattering intensity of form-factors M U S T be contained in Angstroms); Experimental data file in ASCII format; Name of Output .fit file. After finishing OLIGOMER you will get the files: oligomer.log: log file (will be create in folder contained input files) 'name'.fit: calculated fit to the experimental data. The file 'oligomer.log' will contain information about input and output files, information about used method of solution (non-negative conditional or unconstrained least-square solution) and calculated values of molecular weights, radii of gyration and volume fractions for each of component. For more detailed description, see OLIGOMER manual.


Program MIXTURE makes the fitting to the experimental scattering curve by modelling the multicomponent system represented by simple geometrical bodies taking into account interparticle interactions.

The model scattering intensity may be represented by the linear combination of four several types of particles:

  1. spheres
  2. cylinders
  3. ellipsoids of rotation
  4. dumb-bells

The spheres and cylinders may have complicated features: 1. polydispersity on radius with Gauss or Schultz distribution 2. two shells with different contrasts (zero contrast of the inner shell means the hole sphere or cylinder). The interparticle interactions between sphere particles can be described by structure factor calculated within Percus-Yevick approximation for hard-sphere or sticky hard-sphere potential.(see below ref [2] Baxter, 1968) described by two parameters: the hard-sphere interaction radius Rkhs and the "stickiness" τk.

MIXTURE allows one to model mixtures containing up to ten different components (i.e. different types of particles)

Fitting parameters of the individual phases are described in MIXTURE manual

For running the program MIXTURE it is necessary to prepare the command file where one has to specify your model and initial values of parameters for this model, i.e. the number of "phases" (components), the type for each component (SPHERE, CYLINDER, ELLIPSOID, DUMBBELL), dimension parameters (relative volume fraction, average sphere radius, its polydispersity, type of distribution function (Gauss or Schultz) etc., the upper and lower boundary values for all fitting parameters.

Below there is example of command file for the model containing different types of components (spheres+cylinders). One can design the model containing several components of the same type (for example large and small spheres, long and short cylinders etc.), but in all cases one has to follow the thumb rule of describing the model parameters as it is done in this example command file:

Below symbols !! are used for comments. For your convienence it is recommended to keep the comments on each line, the program will automatically detect them.

Example Command File (spheres+cylinders)

Some description         !! Comment Line 1 (done by user )
Some description         !! Comment Line 2 (done by user )
2                        !! Number of Phases (2 for this example)
0.20                     !! System Concentration
SPHERE                   !! Type of the first Phase
0.25   0.0      1.0      !! sphere volume Fraction
0.0    0.0      0.0      !! inner shell sphere radius
0.0    0.0      0.0      !! density(contrast) for inner shell  (hollow sphere)
48.0   40.0     60.0     !! outer shell sphere radius
1.0    1.0      1.0      !! density(contrast) for outer shell
5.0    0.1      25.0     !! sphere polydispersity
75.0   55.0     95.0     !! interaction radius for spheres (hard sphere radius)
2                        !! type of distributions for spheres (1 - Gauss, 2 - Schulz)
0.0    0.0      0.0      !! sticky parameter (0.1 .GT. tau .LT. 100), if tau=0 no interactions
CYLINDER                 !! Type of the second Phase
0.25   0.0      1.0      !! cylinder volume Fraction
0.0    0.0      0.0      !! inner shell cylinder radius
0.0    0.0      0.0      !! density(contrast) for inner shell
40.0   30.0     60.0     !! outer shell cylinder radius
1.0    1.0      1.0      !! density(contrast) for outer shell
3.0    2.1      10.1     !! cylinder outer shell radius polydispersity
2                        !! type of distributions for cylinders (1 - Gauss, 2 - Schulz)
300.0                    !! cylinder length
2                        !! type of data (1 - for OTOKO format, 2 - for ASCII format)

PRIMUS has special dialog box for calling Mixture program ("Mixture"), in this dialog one has to specify Command file (see example above), Experimental data file, as well as Angular units (by default 1) and Fraction of data taken for evaluation (by default 1.0). Then one has to select "Apply" button. In the graphic window the program will plot the experimental data and the best fit as well as the partial intensities of the model components.

The output files of the program mixture are the following: 3 files with extensions *.fit, *.pam, *.str, where the names of files coincide with the file name of experimental data as well as mixture.log file

File extensionsDescription
*.fit In *.fit files there are three columns, the first column is the S-vector axis, the second column - experimental data, the third column - fit to the data.
*.pam In *.pam files the number of column is equal to Number of phases in your model plus one (Nph+1). The first column is S-vector axis and the others columns contain partial intensities from each component of your model.
*.str In *.str files there is information about structure factor if you used spheres with interactions. The first column is S-vector axis, the second column - structure factor with SHS (sticky hard-sphere potential) calculated for the values of the parameters in your model, the third column - structure factor with HS (hard-sphere potential) calculated with the same parameters.

Mixture.log file contains information about the file name of experimental data and obtained fitting parameters for your model for each component. After each run the program mixture adds information to this file, so you will have the whole history of running the program in this file.

Useful References:

  1. D.I. Svergun, P.V.Konarev, V.V.Volkov, M.H.J. Koch, W.F.C. Sager, J. Smeeth and E.M. Blokhuis // A Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study of the Droplet-Cylinder Transition in Oil-Rich Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate Microemulsions. Journal of .Chemical Physics 2000, V.113, N. 4, p. 1651-1665
  2. R.J.Baxter J.Chem.Phys. 49, (1968), 2270-2273.

For more detailed description, see MIXTURE manual.


Program BODIES makes the approximation of the experimental scattering curve by the simple geometrical bodies. There are six possible types of bodies available for approximation:

  1. ellipsoid (semiaxes a,b,c)
  2. ellipsoid of revolution (semiaxes a,a,c)
  3. cylinder (radius r, height h)
  4. elliptic cylinder (radius semiaxes a,b, height h)
  5. hollow cylinder (outer radius R,inner radius r,height h)
  6. rectangular prism (sides a,b,c)

To do this approximation with PRIMUS one has to select BODIES menu option from the main menu. The popup dialog box will appear. In this dialog one has to specify the following parameters:

  1. experimantal data file (by default the first active data file in the "Tools" dialog box will be selected)
  2. the angular units of data. For each data file it is possible to set the scale for the X-axis (S-axis) where:
    1. - corresponds to the identity transformation (X(i)=X(i), for i=1,NsExp)
    2. - corresponds to a scaling from [Nanometer]-1 to [Angstrom]-1: (transformation X(i) = X(i)/10, for i=1,NsExp)
    3. - corresponds to a scaling from "S"-vector to "Q"-vector: (transformation X(i) = 2*π*X(i), for i=1,NsExp)
    4. - corresponds to a scaling from "S"-vector in [Nanometer]-1 to "Q"-vector in [Angstroem]-1: ( transformation X(i) = 2*π*X(i)/10, for i=1,NsExp)
  3. the fraction of the data used for evaluation (by default 1.0 corresponds to the whole experimental curve)
  4. the type of the geometrical body used for approximation, the number must be from 1 to 6 or equal to 0 (in case of all these types)

The best fits to the experimental data will be plotted. The parameters of the geometrical bodies are written in the text window. The output information are stored in the "expfilename"-bodies.dat file (in case of all bodies, type number = 0 ) or in "expfilename"-ellips.dat, -ell2ax.dat, -cylind.dat, -cylell.dat, -cylholl.dat, -parall.dat files respectively.

One can run BODIES as a separate application, in this case one can choose/change the starting values of fitting parameters.


Program PEAK is designed for evaluating the positions of peaks for scattering profiles and calculating the structural characteristics of the systems. The program is running under Windows NT/9x/2000/XP.

The following structural parameters that can be calulated from the characteristics of the peaks:

  1. Bragg spacing d = 2π / Smax
  2. long-range order dimension L = λ / ( βs * cos (θMax) ) ,where λ - wavelength of X-rays, βs - full width at a half-maximum intensity of the peak (in radians), θMax - scattering angle corresponding to Smax.
  3. radius of interaction Rm = (π/2.5)2 * λ / βs
  4. degree of disorder Δ/d = (1/π) * ( βs * d / λ ) 1/2

For more detailed description, see PEAK manual.


The angular axis file can be created from the scattering patterns of the samples with defined Bragg spacing values. Tripalmitin, Turkey Tendon Collagen or Ag-behenate are usually taken for camera calibration. PRIMUS calls the special graphical program AXIS-DAT, where one has to load the experimental data in ASCII format. AXIS plots the graph of detector counts against the channel numbers of the detector. The scattering patterns contain several distinct sharp diffraction peaks. The fitting region for each peak can be selected with the mouse cursor and the positions of peaks in the diffraction pattern of collagen, tripalmitin or Ag-behenate will be defined automatically. The pop-up menu dialog of AXIS-DAT (called "MakeAxis") includes the defined positions of selected peaks as well as their corresponding diffraction order indexes. Then the linear interpolation of defined peak positions (calculated in nm-1) along the appropriate channel numbers of the detector allows one to create the angular axis file. The output angular file is written in ASCII format.

  Last modified: February 24, 2015

© BioSAXS group 2015